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Tag: sunlight

Articles tagged as Sunlight

What Is Geothermal Energy

Posted on January 26, 2024 by Jordan Reynolds
The phrase "geothermal energy" 's been around since way back when.The word "geothermal" derives from the Greek words; geo (meaning earth), and therme (meaning heat).This instantly gives us the quick definition, "geothermal energy is heat from the planet earth".A common misunderstanding of geothermal energy is based on the source of the heat.Both sources which heat our earth will be the earth's core, and sunlight...

Solar Energy Around Your Home

Posted on December 7, 2023 by Jordan Reynolds
You could be surprised to understand how solar technology extraction 's been around for over a century, and through the industrial revolution, sunlight was used to create steam which may then drive turbines generating power.The technology we use today will not depend on steam, however the charging of electrons contained within solar panels manufactured from semi-conductive material.So, we are able to learn by this, that solar technology never in it's infancy, as many folks currently believe...

How Many People Are Using Solar Panels?

Posted on September 7, 2022 by Jordan Reynolds
With the renewed fascination with alternative power sources, solar powered energy is becoming popular.So, do you know the figures on its use?Solar energy is among the fastest growing types of eco-friendly energy nowadays.Alongside wind power and hydropower, solar powered energy is really a "green" type of renewable energy that's rendering the planet earth less influenced by fossil fuels along with other types of polluting energy...

A Closer Look At The Alternative Energy Sources Of Solar And Wind Power

Posted on July 17, 2022 by Jordan Reynolds
More and much more scientists today concur that global warming is really a serious issue and that the reason for global warming is skin tightening and released in to the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned.Politicians, too, are increasingly being swayed because they see increases in property damaged, injuries, and also deaths because of natural catastrophes which may actually have gotten worse in recent decades...

About Solar Energy Panels

Posted on July 10, 2021 by Jordan Reynolds
A solar power panel collects energy from the sunlight and converts it into direct current (DC) electricity.Two oppositely charged pieces of silicon are put together below a sheet of glass and as the protons from the sunlight knock the negatively charged neutrons away from the silicon that the electrical field created by the two adjoining pieces of silicon attract the neutron.Little pieces of cable catch the neutrons and when they connect they produce direct current electricity...