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Tag: planet

Articles tagged as Planet

A Better Environment For All

Posted on May 21, 2024 by Jordan Reynolds
The fuel cell was invented for the intended purpose of providing power for the journey to the Moon and back.The device does not have any moving parts also it only does a very important factor.That being, it generates electricity.It has been around for a lot more than forty years but Mankind would prefer to continue steadily to use fossil fuels which are slowly destroying the only real home that sustains life in your Solar System...

What Is Geothermal Energy

Posted on January 26, 2024 by Jordan Reynolds
The phrase "geothermal energy" 's been around since way back when.The word "geothermal" derives from the Greek words; geo (meaning earth), and therme (meaning heat).This instantly gives us the quick definition, "geothermal energy is heat from the planet earth".A common misunderstanding of geothermal energy is based on the source of the heat.Both sources which heat our earth will be the earth's core, and sunlight...

Looking to the Ocean for Energy

Posted on October 9, 2023 by Jordan Reynolds
As fossil fuels turn into a more limited resource, society is casting around for new energy sources.Interestingly, lots of fascination with the ocean being an energy platform is getting to be generated.The oceans of the planet are obviously vast.In addition they contain a lots of of energy inside them.One needs only look back a couple of years to the tsunami in Asia to comprehend this.Although it is clear there's a lot of energy, the question is whether we are able to convert it right into a renewable power source...

When We Pass the Peak Oil Production in the World

Posted on July 10, 2023 by Jordan Reynolds
Discussions about energy supplies attended front and center nowadays.Even though many debate the quantity of oil we've left, fewer discuss what goes on whenever we pass our peak production.Oil, oil, oil.It appears you can't turn left or right with no the subject appear.The reason, needless to say, is oil is really a fossil fuel that forms the power basis for some of the items inside our lives.On a far more practical basis, you can hardly be surprised that lots of of the political and military conflicts on earth revolve around countries with oil reserves...

How Many People Are Using Solar Panels?

Posted on September 7, 2022 by Jordan Reynolds
With the renewed fascination with alternative power sources, solar powered energy is becoming popular.So, do you know the figures on its use?Solar energy is among the fastest growing types of eco-friendly energy nowadays.Alongside wind power and hydropower, solar powered energy is really a "green" type of renewable energy that's rendering the planet earth less influenced by fossil fuels along with other types of polluting energy...

Producing Energy From Geothermal Resources

Posted on December 20, 2021 by Jordan Reynolds
Geothermal energy is a stage tapping the inherent energy found within the Earth.Her is an summary of how the method works from a practical standpoint.Producing Energy By Geothermal ResourcesThere are lots of kinds of energy used in the world which are deemed eco-friendly.These energy types include solar, which harnesses the energy of sunlight, and hydroelectric, which utilizes the ability of water to create electricity...