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A Better Environment For All

Posted on May 21, 2024 by Jordan Reynolds

The fuel cell was invented for the intended purpose of providing power for the journey to the Moon and back. The device does not have any moving parts also it only does a very important factor. That being, it generates electricity. It has been around for a lot more than forty years but Mankind would prefer to continue steadily to use fossil fuels which are slowly destroying the only real home that sustains life in your Solar System. Incidentally, fuel cells currently provide energy for a few of our cities' mass transit busses.

Clearly, global warming and the increased loss of the ozone layer are serious issues that can't be ignored by the World's leaders and the richest people on the planet. The World's best scientists predicted a mass extinction event next twenty years. On the other hand, the harm to the environment may need a couple of hundred years time for the Earth to heal itself? Dear God, how do we save ourselves and the ones who come after us? Briefly, it is a battle that people must win or die attempting to win.

Instead of spending another trillion dollars to obtain additional oil and killing more innocent people along the way, we have to obtain large regions of land where solar panels can gather the Sun's energy for the intended purpose of producing electricity where to power factories that may produce hydrogen. Also, more oxygen will undoubtedly be put into the atmosphere that may help our World's leaders and the richest people on the planet think more clearly for the nice of everybody. The fuel cell is really a practical invention that uses an inexhaustible resource that is what everybody knows to be a section of what we realize as water. Wow!

Those same solar panels may possibly also provide power for ozone factories that may prevent several million folks from getting skin cancer. Yes, the amount of skin cancer victims increased 1,000 percent over the last couple of years.